From Pine View Farm

The Level of Public Discourse . . . 0

has gone right into the crapper:

Ann Garcia had to thread the needle. On the one hand, the No. 1 executive at her former company hated the use of profanity, seeing it as a sign of not having learned to communicate effectively. On the other hand, the No. 2 executive appreciated a potty mouth now and then because it indicated passion. He “felt that if you weren’t swearing, you probably didn’t care enough,” Garcia says.

I enjoy a good swearing match as much as the next person. But, frankly, I’m tired of hearing George Carlin’s seven words, and their cousins, nephews, and nieces, in the restaurant, the coffee shop, the workplace, and the schoolyard.

Save them for where they were meant to be: the locker room.

I guess I’m old. I remember when a bra was an undergarment, not a fashion statement.


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From Pine View Farm
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