Credibility Canyon 0
I am old enough to remember the “credibility gap.”
That was the term applied to President Johnson’s positions on the Viet Namese War when it became clear that the facts did not match his statements.
The term lived on into the Nixon years, as it became clear that Nixon was a noxious, lying little twit (though, frankly, he was a much better President than the current holder of that title–had he not been so afraid of losing an election that he already had in the bag, I am confident he would be remembered as a good, if not great, President, for many of his official actions did benefit the polity, unlike his ex officio actions)–and unlike the actions of the current holder of that office.
Dick Polman analyzes the–er–misrepresentations in the current President’s speech of last night. Follow the link for a point-by-point analysis: