From Pine View Farm

More Decorating (Geek Alert) 1

I spent a good part of today decorating my computers for Christmas, with the help of the Keramic Christmas color scheme, KDE Christmas wallpapers and Splash Screens (there was this one, also), and Judy and Jerry’s Place for Winamp (Windows) and XMMS (Linux) skins.

With two Linux computers and one Windows computer, it kept me off the street for a couple of hours.

The only problem I ran into was finding a Christmas/Winter screensaver for Linux/KDE–any suggestions are welcome. Here’s the computer I’m working playing at right now:

Desktop Decorations


1 comment

  1. Opie

    November 26, 2006 at 8:59 pm

    The Holy Grail I’ve been in search of is a Linux screensaver that carries streaming video of my choice. If you ever find that, let me know. But I think I’ll also check out the stuff you link to here.

From Pine View Farm
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