Freedom Flies . . . 2
. . . if we do not guard it.
Bruce Fleming of the U. S. Naval Academy–worth a read:
Now it’s the morning after. Oh, our aching head! And surprise! The French were right. Increasingly the evidence suggests that the CIA gave in to political pressure to front-and-center the claims of questionable sources to justify a war that was already decided on. Rationality was forgotten.
The current administration has offered at every turn a horrifying lesson in how not to lead. Its MO has been this: suppress dissent (rather than encourage it), surround yourself by sycophantic yes-men (rather than objective views), bring in personal loyalists for key positions (rather than people who actually know what they’re doing), vilify those who disagree or propose a better way. And oh yes: accuse even long-term like-minded allies of cowardice and treachery if they don’t kiss your ass 24/7. No term of opprobrium is too low for somebody who refuses to bow to your will: that’s the way to lead the Free World. (Not.)
The far right has still not realized that one does not protect freedom by destroying it.
With a tip to All Spin Zone.
December 22, 2006 at 10:28 pm
Well, when you have high-minded persuasion like the following:
…then it’s just hard to imagine why these far right wingers don’t see the brilliance of his arguments and abandon their principles.
I think he needs to have some friends who are far right wingers, and listen to them.
December 23, 2006 at 7:30 pm
He works at the Naval Academy. I suspect he has friends who are “far right wingers.”
I also suspect that your definition of “far right wingers” and mine might not be the same. I do not include in that category people who are willing to listen to and think about other points of view, even if they ultimately reject them.
Of course, I cannot speak to Mr. Fleming’s definition of “far right wingers.”