From Pine View Farm

Freedom Flies . . . 2

. . . if we do not guard it.

Bruce Fleming of the U. S. Naval Academy–worth a read:

. . . only a few years ago, enraged right-wingers screamed because the French dared say “no” to the then all-powerful 43rd President, demanding that there be some actual proof that Saddam did in fact possess weapons of mass destruction before they’d sign on to an attack. People posing as patriots (but in fact idiots) poured French wine into the gutters-this was reported gleefully on Fox News, and played for sensational effect on the French news networks-to show their fury that anyone could dare to question El Presidente. For that matter, fury was in the air, anyone who questioned or warned was a traitor or a coward. Far too many people were all too ready to support roaring into battle, being convinced that action- any action – was the way to take their revenge.

Now it’s the morning after. Oh, our aching head! And surprise! The French were right. Increasingly the evidence suggests that the CIA gave in to political pressure to front-and-center the claims of questionable sources to justify a war that was already decided on. Rationality was forgotten.


The current administration has offered at every turn a horrifying lesson in how not to lead. Its MO has been this: suppress dissent (rather than encourage it), surround yourself by sycophantic yes-men (rather than objective views), bring in personal loyalists for key positions (rather than people who actually know what they’re doing), vilify those who disagree or propose a better way. And oh yes: accuse even long-term like-minded allies of cowardice and treachery if they don’t kiss your ass 24/7. No term of opprobrium is too low for somebody who refuses to bow to your will: that’s the way to lead the Free World. (Not.)

The far right has still not realized that one does not protect freedom by destroying it.

With a tip to All Spin Zone.



  1. Opie

    December 22, 2006 at 10:28 pm

    The far right has still not realized that one does not protect freedom by destroying it.

    Well, when you have high-minded persuasion like the following:

    People posing as patriots (but in fact idiots) poured French wine into the gutters-this was reported gleefully on Fox News…

    …then it’s just hard to imagine why these far right wingers don’t see the brilliance of his arguments and abandon their principles.

    I think he needs to have some friends who are far right wingers, and listen to them.

  2. Frank

    December 23, 2006 at 7:30 pm

    He works at the Naval Academy. I suspect he has friends who are “far right wingers.”

    I also suspect that your definition of “far right wingers” and mine might not be the same. I do not include in that category people who are willing to listen to and think about other points of view, even if they ultimately reject them.

    Of course, I cannot speak to Mr. Fleming’s definition of “far right wingers.”

From Pine View Farm
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