From Pine View Farm

Give Me a Break: Phillybits Dept. 1

Apparently, the self-appointed guardians of God on this earth have it in for Phillybits.


1 comment

  1. phillybits

    December 10, 2006 at 5:24 pm

    I’m being persecuted for my views on quitting smoking, I tell you! It’s a conspiracy and an attempt to associate my disdain for smoking with my disdain for organized religion.

    What I meant to say was GOD, how I love Frank’s blog. Frank’s blog was carved from GOD’s glorious image itself. GOD himself couldn’t write a better blog. In fact, the word ‘blog‘ itself almost rhymes with GOD, who is himself awesome, divine, gorgeous, perfect, beautiful, and inspiring.

    (Figure this should score some points with Frank’s blog on OpinMin.)

    BTW, Frank, I tried commenting three times, twice with one security code, and one reloaded with a new code and both times it told me I entered the code wrong and I’m pretty sure I entered it right.

    Just a heads up.

From Pine View Farm
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