From Pine View Farm

Give Me a Break: Urge To Slash Tires Dept. 3

Give me a break subcategory:

From suburban lawns to postage-stamp city decks, it’s a bigger-than-ever Invasion of the Inflatables this holiday season.

Billowy Christmas penguins, taller than NBA star Yao Ming, have put down stakes alongside red-capped SpongeBobs saluting mammoth Grinches and nutcrackers that loom like pine trees.

Nationally, sales of the novelties, which cost between $20 and $200, are expected to top $500 million this year, up from $100 million in 2003, said Pam Danziger, whose company, Unity Marketing in Lancaster County, tracks consumer spending.

Inflatables are the country’s fastest-growing category of outdoor Christmas decorations, said Danziger, who conceded their charms.

Charms? Charms? Charms?

Oh, brother.



  1. Phillybits

    December 18, 2006 at 8:28 am

    Ever year, I care less and less for Christmas and see it for what it really is – American capitalism at it’s worst.

    Really – wtf does anybody need their lawn decked out like a display case at Macy’s or FAO Schwartz with giant nutcrackers, inflatable snow globes, and santa sleighs on the roof?

    Me? No, thanks. I just want to see Black Christmas.

  2. Karen

    December 18, 2006 at 9:19 am

    I have to agree with Phillybits. If I see it in our neighborhood… well, maybe not. Is paying for vandalism illegal?

  3. Frank

    December 21, 2006 at 6:20 pm

    Paying for vandalism is certainly illegal. Praying for it may be unseemly, but it’s not illegal.

    By the way, black seems to in amongst the trendsetters (whoever they are).

From Pine View Farm
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