From Pine View Farm

Get Opera 3

The latest versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox on Windows and (in the case of Firefox) Unix systems are vulnerable to attacks that could reveal the contents of sensitive files residing on a victim’s hard drives.

The vulnerability resides in the functionality that allows the browsers to upload files to a remote server. It requires a victim to visit a booby-trapped website and enter text with certain characters in a comment interface or other input field.




  1. Opie

    February 13, 2007 at 8:40 pm

    Does Opera have a way of synching my Google favorites between computers?

  2. Phillybits

    February 14, 2007 at 12:27 pm

    Got it. Checking it out now.

  3. Frank

    February 16, 2007 at 6:41 pm

    I don’t know about Google favorites; I don’t use third-party stuff. But you can export Opera bookmarks, Opera email contacts, and Opera mail, and import them on another computer.

    Heck, if you dig deep enough, you don’t even have to export the mail. You can just move the mail file. That’s what I did when I rebuilt the laptop.

    I saved my /home/frankbell folder to the server, then copied the /home/frankbell/.[hidden files] that I wanted into the rebuilt laptop.

    (aside to Phillybits–Opera has depths you will not imagine–try typing opera:config into the address bar and see what options it gives to you).