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March 11, 2007 at 1:15 pm
I hate Daylight Savings, always have & always will. I don’t see the point. So what if it’s lighter, later? That just means that more lights are being used in the morning, when it’s still dark. A/C is being used more, because people are up later. And being a parent who had kids in school, getting kids to go to bed on time presented major problems. I hate Daylight Savings, period.
March 11, 2007 at 4:12 pm
Actually, I don’t mind it all that much. Or, at least, I didn’t mind it all that much when I worked in an office. It was nice having more light in the summer evenings.
And Second Son wouldn’t get up for school anyway.
Now that I pretty much set my own hours (as long as I get the job done and keep the boss happy), it doesn’t matter so much.
The farther north you go, the more it affects things. I was in England, which is actually farther north than Newfoundland, the year they tried extending DST year-round. In December, the sun was rising about 9 a. m. and setting about 4 p. m.