Blooming 3
It’s that time of year. By next weekend, my yard will be all over roses:

21 bushes, and the two great things about roses is that they are easy to grow and they bloom all season. Not like those wimpy daffodils and irises who bloom once and then just take up space for the next five months while you have to guide the lawm mowerr around them.
Roses, the flowers that keep on giving.
But the end of May, when they all bloom the first time, all at the same time, is the best.
This one was plucked and Linda photographed it in her office. She told me that her co-workers thought it had come from a florist. I assume that’s a compliment, since this flower came from the backyard. I guess her co-workers don’t know how easy roses are.
May 21, 2007 at 8:13 am
They may be easy there, but here, there are only a few varieties that will grow. Most likely the altitude & climate.
May 21, 2007 at 5:55 pm
You probably called it.
May 21, 2007 at 8:07 pm
Be glad you are where you are. I’m still trying to get rid of the tulips! Woosie flowers!