From Pine View Farm

First Son Called Today . . . 1

. . . from the forgotten war. You know, the one we should have finished.

It was the first time I’ve spoken with him since Christmas.

He is among those whose tours have been extended to 15 months. Although he’s been there since January, for all practical purposes he arrived two weeks ago.

It is boring in Afghanistan, except for the periodic outbursts of violence. Since the eye of Sauron no longer looks there, neither the food nor the recreational facilities are as good as in Iraq.

He works nights, but there are no 24-hour facilities on base, as there were in Iraq. Consequently, about the only place he can go after work is the gym. I guess there is a bright side–he’s benching 260 now. That’s 80 more pounds than he weighs.

He has grown into a good man. It’s a damned shame that his boss is a delusional asshole who sacrifices American blood and treasure for a lie–oh, never mind.


1 comment

  1. Linda

    May 14, 2007 at 1:54 pm

    I took out the cross overs. You are experiencing this first hand and everything you say is worth hearing. This is a good comment and should be out there. Everyone should know the other side of the story, if you don’t support the war, you don’t support the troops. Do you know how tired I am of hearing those words? And here’s his dad “He has grown into a good man. It’s a damned shame that his boss is a delusional asshole who sacrifices American blood and treasure for a lie–oh, never mind.” Democrats, Liberals, Republicans, everyone needs to hear these words from the families…..But we only hear what the press is telling us. This war has nothing to do with patriotism, it has only to do with one man’s ego.
    Okay, I know I’m on a roll, but I’ve been out of touch for a while, vacation with my daughter, so I will stop now. But for god’s sake we have to stop this madness.