From Pine View Farm

Jealous No More 2

I have to admit, from time to time, I have been a little jealous of Phillybits when he shows his access logs. Ploughing through Apache access logs is nothing like those neat little pictures he shows of what IP addresses have been accessing his blog.

But now I have FireStats.

I know where you come from.



  1. Karen

    May 3, 2007 at 8:12 pm

    I was going to look at the access logs, but when it asked about Save, Run, or Cancel, I chickened out.

    I have to ask: Isn’t doing that sort of along the ‘conservative’ line????? (Like the Republicans?) And here I thought you were a liberal!

  2. Phillybits

    May 3, 2007 at 8:27 pm

    Will or does it include a live link icon so that viewers can view your log or will you lock that down?

    I know my sitemeter is locked down and private – which is why I put up the Extreme Tracking icon so people could at least view some site stats if they wanted.

    I’d love to see you traffic. I imagine it’s pretty good, with linking from specific search results and threads instead of mine – people looking for the Bush divorce and UFO’s.