From Pine View Farm

Bean Soup 0


1 Medium Onion, chopped.
1 generous pour Garlic Powder (approx. 1 tbs).
(Face it, if you have to measure, you can’t cook.)
2 Cans Red Kidney Beans (may substitute black beans).
1 Can Diced Tomatoes.
4 or 5 Italian Sausages.
1/2 tsp Salt.
Several Grinds Pepper.
Four Shakes Basil.
One Small Shake Thyme.
One Pour Olive Oil.
Some Paprika.
Some Hot Sauce.

Heat olive oil (Extra Virgin, of course. Cthulhu says there are never enough virgins ).
Add onion and saute until golden brown.
Brown sausages in the mixture.
Add beans, diced tomatoes, and some water.
Add remaining spices.
Simmer until you can’t stand it any more.
Add additional herbs and spices to taste.
Wait a little longer for everything to cook down.

Best served with Amoroso rolls, but we didn’t have any of those tonight.

Talk someone else into doing the clean-up.


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From Pine View Farm
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