From Pine View Farm

Public Discourse Has Gone into the Crapper 3

A comment here has implied that Democrats and Republicans both are more or less equally responsible for the decline in the level of public discourse.

I’m not going to take on the comment when Digby has already disposed of that line of reasoning.

Not that I think Democrats are inherently the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I will point this out: Republicans turned me into a Democrat.

Before Bush, I was not a contributing member of the NAACP, the ACLU, the SPLC,, or KOS.

Now I am all those things.

Because I care about the blood that has been shed to create, preserve, and protect the ideals of the Founders.

I care that the government of the United States of America should stand for something other than invading civil liberties and torturing perons whom the Current Federal Executive doesn’t like.

I care that this great experiment not be betrayed, as it is being betrayed by the Current Federal Administration.



  1. Opie

    October 10, 2007 at 8:25 pm

    I now realize the error of my thinking. I had deluded myself into believing both sides were equally insincere, but Digby’s link has made me face what I’d been avoiding – that I’m a bitter, nasty, petty, snarling, sneering, vicious thug, peering through people’s windows so they can make fun of their misfortune.

    Worse yet, I’m probably the type who would call people with whom he differs “a bunch of bitter, nasty, petty, snarling, sneering, vicious thugs, peering through people’s windows so they can make fun of their misfortune,” which the other side would not stoop to.

    At least it’s much clearer now – like being unmasked has lifted a burden off my shoulders!

  2. Bill

    October 10, 2007 at 8:39 pm

    “A comment here has implied that Democrats and Republicans both are more or less equally responsible for the decline in the level of public discourse.”

    I imply that? I thought I stated it quite clearly. Obviously, neither Digby nor you have listened to enough “liberal” talk radio.

    But what do I know? I’m just a bitter, nasty, petty, snarling, sneering, vicious thug, peering through people’s windows so they can make fun of their misfortune kind of guy.

  3. Opie

    October 10, 2007 at 9:15 pm

    “Obviously, neither Digby nor you have listened to enough “liberal” talk radio.”

    Which is why Rush has more listeners in Rio Linda than Air America does in all 50 states.