From Pine View Farm

Hambone, Reprise 2

One night of soaking, a few minutes of scrubbing, 15 minutes scoring the rind, 5 minutes rubbing salt and pepper into the rind, and . . .

Viola! (Remember Viola? Hot-cha-cha!)

Sixteen and a half pounds of delectable melt in your mouth to die for red and dry and salty like God intended Real Ham (TM)

Country Ham

After it was done cooking (five hours at 350 degrees), I sliced off the rind, ran it into the oven on a baking sheet, and turned it into cracklin’.

The cracklin’ may not make it to Christmas Eve.

We’ll forget about the oven fire.



  1. Karen

    December 22, 2007 at 8:43 am

    I’ve seen something that looked like that before, but I can’t remember where. In Denver, if you want ham, it’s Cooks brand, shank or rump section, or nothing. Unless you’re willing to spend $6.00 to $7.00 a pound for pure meat that’s been cut into a square & wrapped. I’m not.

    “Cracklin'”? Have you had your cholestrol checked lately? That stuff can’t be good for it.

    “Oven fire”, thank you. I need to clean mine!

  2. Frank

    December 22, 2007 at 6:55 pm

    Cholesterol? It’s genetic. I have lots of good cholesterol, not much bad cholesterol.


    I made the mistake of putting the rind on one of those cookie sheets that didn’t have any sides. The grease leaked off to the oven bottom and caught fire.

    It burned out just okay.

    One of these days, I’ll have to clean out the residue.

    Cracklin’. Well, you can go out and buy a package of “Pork Rinds” and get the same thing, but with a bunch of artificial stuff added.

    Whaddya want? Real or phony?

From Pine View Farm
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