Enhanced Interrogation Techniques–the Ones that Work 0
The Philadelphia police have not had a good two weeks. First, a good officer was cut down doing his job, and then the Fox29 helicopter caught some other officers indulging what appears to have been, at first glance, a Rodney King moment. For more details about what happened, you can read Monica Yant Kinney’s column from today’s local rag here.
It seems that the tip which led to the capture of the last suspect in the cop killing was phoned into a retired FBI agent by someone he once interrogated. The agent in question has a reputation for being extremely hard-nosed and extremely fair–according the story about him (link below), two person he sent up the river have named kids after him.
Buried in the middle of this story was this little gem about how to conduct interrogations that work (hint: nudity and water are not involved):
“As soon as you heard you were getting the information from one of Jesse’s sources, you knew it was gospel,” Carbonell (another retired agent–ed.) said. “He’s been gone a year, and agents still call him for help. Even the bad guys found him honest and fair.”
Leonard Wideman, a self-described former Philadelphia methamphetamine dealer and addict, met Coleman for the first time during an FBI raid. . . .
“Jesse was a straight-up dude from the giddyup,” said Wideman, who would later testify for the government. “Jesse was police, but he was a gentleman.”
Defense lawyer Brian McMonagle, who has cross-examined Coleman in several high-profile trials, said jurors could sense his credibility on the stand. “You’ll never see him shade the truth or lie.”
Clearly, there would be no future for Mr. Coleman in the Vice President’s Office.