From Pine View Farm

Four Day Weeks 2

When Ohio’s Kent State University offered custodial staff the option of working four days a week instead of five to cut commuting costs, most jumped at the chance, part of a U.S. trend aimed at combating soaring gasoline prices.

“We offered it to 94 employees and 78 have taken us up on it,” said university spokesman Scott Rainone.

Interestingly enough, in the technical writing course I’ve just wrapped up for a local medical manufacturing outfit, I gave the class a writing assignment in which they could choose their own topic, as long as it was something they would like to see changed in their organization.

More than 10% of the class (two persons) picked exactly that topic: allow persons to work four 10s so they could save gas and commuting time.



  1. chris the plumber

    May 30, 2008 at 12:47 am

    I would like to take a writting class, I have a new pen that I made somewhat like yours!

  2. Opie

    May 30, 2008 at 12:12 pm

    Meanwhile, Nicholas Sarkozy has told the French they have to get back to work:

From Pine View Farm
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