I Watched These Buildings Go Up 0
From Phillybits:

used with permission
At the time, I was working at 20th and Market on the south side of Market, right across the street. (There was a big fuss about the buildings before construction started.)
I remember particularly when the construction firm had one tower crane up and was assembling another one.
For the second crane, the tower was up and the first half of the boom was in place. A workman was waiting on the end of the half-finished boom of crane number two, about ten stories above the street.
The operator of the first crane picked up the second part of the boom for crane number two from a truck on Market and, in one smooth motion, lifted it up and swung it into position and stopped. It stopped without a wiggle.
The gentleman on the end of the half-finished boom of the crane number two reached out about a foot, grabbed the second half of the boom, pulled into place, and started bolting it fast.
It was poetry in motion.
Gosh, I love to watch people work when they know what they are doing. (Maybe that’s why the Current Federal Administration gives me such heartburn.)
Another thing I learned when I was working on the 7th floor at 20th and Market.
It is better to do your girl-watching from the 7th floor. From the 7th floor, they all look cute.