From Pine View Farm

“Words Fail Me . . .” 1

One of my colleagues once told me that, when Augustus Caesar was presented with a request or a narrative that was so outrageous as to cause his mind to boggle, he would say, “Words fail me. Nothing I can say can express the depth of my feelings at this point.”

So, when I heard the latest antic of the Warmonger in Chief, words did indeed fail me.

Fortunately, they did not fail Brendan , who delves in the record of how the Bushes got their riches; nor did they fail Mithras, nor did they fail Joe, nor did they fail Duncan, who pointed to this.

Nor did they fail Daffy.

Mr. Current Federal Administrator, Daffy had it right.


1 comment

  1. chris the plumber

    May 16, 2008 at 12:25 am

    LOL Frank!!