From Pine View Farm

Them What Has, Gits 2

McHack, the common man:

Early in 2007, just as her husband launched his presidential bid, Cindy McCain decided to resolve an old problem — the lack of cellular telephone coverage on her remote 15-acre ranch near Sedona, nestled deep in a tree-lined canyon called Hidden Valley.

By the time Sen. John McCain’s presidential bid was in full swing this summer, the ranch had wireless coverage from the two cellular companies most often used by campaign staff — Verizon Wireless and AT&T.

Verizon delivered a portable tower know as a “cell site on wheels” — free of charge — to Cindy McCain’s property in June in response to an online request from Cindy McCain’s staff early last year. Such devices are usually reserved for restoring service when cell coverage is knocked out during emergencies, such as hurricanes.

GRAPHIC: After a request from Cindy McCain, Verizon Wireless proposed installing a cell tower close to the couple’s home near Sedona, Ariz.

In July, AT&T followed suit, wheeling in a portable tower for free to match Verizon’s offer. “This is an unusual situation,” said AT&T spokeswoman Claudia B. Jones. “You can’t have a presidential nominee in an area where there is not cell coverage.”

H/T Karen for the link.
So, just what do you think would have happened when you called up Southwestern Bell Cingular AT&T or Verizon and said, “Look, I don’t get any cell phone coverage here at my place. Can I have my own cell tower?”

Think they would have said, “Sure! Here! It’s on the House Senate. Just tell us where you want it”?

If you do, wanna buy a bridge?



  1. Opie

    October 15, 2008 at 8:16 pm

    If you were a senator, which would you prefer: your own cell phone tower, or a VIP discount on your mortgage rate?

  2. Bill

    October 15, 2008 at 8:27 pm

    “If you were a senator, which would you prefer: your own cell phone tower, or a VIP discount on your mortgage rate?”

    I’d take the cell phone tower. The VIP discount mortgage rate has already been done.

From Pine View Farm
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