From Pine View Farm

“Pardon?” 2

Jon Swift tautly, irrefutablely argues as to why the Walmart Tramplers should be pardonned. Read the whole thing, as he expands his reasoning to even wider perspectives. Here’s an excerpt:

Prosecutors may even try to score cheap political points by filing criminal charges against some of these bargain hunters, who have been called “savages” and “animals” by demagogues in the liberal media. Of course, my heart goes out to the family of this man who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but while it is unfortunate that someone got hurt, capitalism is not a dinner party. There will always be some collateral damage in a free market. Socialists who hate capitalism are now trying to scapegoat these patriotic Americans who celebrated an American tradition by rising before dawn on the day after Thanksgiving to express their love of this country by partaking of the bounties of the free enterprise system. How can those of us who were not there judge people on the front lines of the Christmas shopping rush?

Via Andrew Sullivan.



  1. Karen

    December 2, 2008 at 1:32 pm

    I hate to disagree with both you, Sullivan, & Swift, but that was caused by simple greed on the part of both Wally World & the animals that were waiting to get in the door.

    If possible, they should all be brought up on charges, but I’m intelligent enough to know that lousy tape & defense lawyers will prevent that.

    Simply another reason I won’t darken a Wally World door.

  2. Frank

    December 2, 2008 at 10:01 pm

    Grain of salt, Karen. Grain of salt.