From Pine View Farm

Now, This Is Just Dumb, Part II 2

Steve has the details.



  1. Karen

    January 16, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    Don’t doesn’t suffice as a description for the wingnuts, & I think they’re over-rated. The doughnuts, that is. If I get a doughnut attack, it’s got to be a chocolate eclair.

  2. Frank

    January 16, 2009 at 7:40 pm

    Well, as far as doughnuts are concerned, you got your Dunkins and you got your Krisy Kremes.

    Frankly, after having a Krispy Kreme, eating a Dunkin is sort of like eating a bowling ball.

    As far as the wingnuts, what was that line from the rock song? “Let’s float off in spaaaaaccccceeee”?