From Pine View Farm

Bushonomics: The Hangover 0

The direct result of the Republican Economic Policy of non- and deregulation and their deluded belief that those pursuing tons of money will ipso facto conclude that acting responsibly and morally is in their and society’s financial best interest:

Sales of pre-owned homes dropped 5.3% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.49 million in January, the lowest sales pace in 12 years, the National Association of Realtors reported Wednesday.

Sales are down 8.6% in the past year, the industry trade group reported. The sales pace in December went unrevised at a 4.74 million annual rate.

It was like pulling the cops off the street and trusting drivers not to drive recklessly. Most drivers will not drive recklessly (many do not drive competently, but that’s another issue).

The ones that do drive recklessly cause horrible damage, especially when they are driving overloaded semis with bad brakes.

Like Citigroup and Bank of America.


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From Pine View Farm
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