From Pine View Farm

Globalization 2

Here in the States, we here a lot of fulminations about “globalization” from a States-centric perspective (“our jobs went where?”).

That is not the only perspective. Pamposh Dhar of the Phillipines asks some good questions:

First off, let me say that I am not against globalization. I believe that all human being are connected (or “interconnected,” as Buddhists say), so how could I be against a connected world? I am not.


Moving on to the second part of my question: why does the concept of globalization leave our hearts cold?

Follow the link to see how she struggles to answer them.



  1. Pamposh Dhar

    February 18, 2009 at 9:34 pm

    Thanks for linking to my post, Frank.

  2. Frank

    February 18, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    I thank Facebook for enabling me to discover your site.