From Pine View Farm

Stay Safe 2

Don’t eat.

Tight state budgets have led some of the biggest farm states to leave dozens of food inspection jobs vacant at a time when hundreds have been sickened by a nationwide salmonella outbreak tied to a filthy peanut processing plant.

Fun fact, from a food inspector I used to work with: Most of the illnesses that persons attribute to “intestinal flu” are actually food poisoning. If it lasts 24 to 48 hours, it’s probably food poisoning.



  1. Karen

    February 21, 2009 at 10:39 am

    I don’t know where I saw it, but I did. Lose the idea of nationwide broadband internet access & hire more inspectors. Would be much more useful.

    Chris & Joe have both had food poisening. Chris got over it. Joe had to go to the doctor & was given a prescription for something that had to go somewhere I wouldn’t put it. He couldn’t take it orally because he couldn’t hold anything down.

    They both got it by eating of the “roach coaches” that frequent construction sites. Not ALL of them are bad, but you won’t find them eating off one again.

  2. Bill

    February 22, 2009 at 9:53 pm

    Most of the illnesses that persons attribute to “intestinal flu” are actually food poisoning.

    There is no such thing as “intestinal flu.”  There is no 24 hour flu or 48 hour flu.  It is almost always a food related illness and most likely traced back to either improper handling in the kitchen (either home or restaurant) or improper cooking.  Improper cooking includes not cooking a product especially poultry – to the proper internal temperature.  Improper handling includes leaving things out on the counter to defrost, not keeping hot foods hot and cold foods cold, and cross contamination from failure to wash hands, cutting surfaces, and utensils.

    The recent peanut processing problems aside, such problems occur far more often from home cooking than from processed and purchased prepared food.