Nomenclature 0
El Reg lays down the law. A nugget:
Rule 1: (In the Python manner) Naaaaaaaaah hobbits!
Rule 2: An enlargement and clarification of rule 1. We mean not only no Frodo, no Bilbo, no Merry, no Pippin, no Marmadoc Brandybuck, nor Adalgrim Took, nor Lobelia (Bracegirdle) Sackville-Baggins; we also mean no Gandalf, no Gollum, no Preciousss, no Treebeard, no Sauron, no Glóin son of Gróin nor yet Glóin son of Thorin, even if your network does support mixed case, UTF-8 and spaces in its names. The ban also implies no Eöl, no Rohirrim, no Melkor, no Mordor, no Sindarin, no Eleventy-first birthdays and definitely, absolutely, certainly no Tom bloody Bombadil.
Curiously, however, ‘Tolkein’ is quite a good name for a server.
I name all my computers after sea creatures, such as Mackeral, Orca, Marlin, Tuna (the webserver), and Sardine (the netbook, of course).