Have Cake. Eat It Too 0
Dick Polman analyzes Republican principles. A nugget:
Actually, the party is quite flexible about its limited-government philosophy. I seem to recall that it championed federal overreach quite vigorously just four years ago, when the Republican Congress decided to control the fate of Terry Schiavo, taking the case away from a local Florida judge (a southern Baptist and Republican) who had already ruled that Schiavo should be allowed to die in accordance with state law and previous state rulings, not to mention the wishes of Terry’s husband. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay insisted that Washington knew what was best for Terry, regardless of state law; as DeLay famously put it, “I don’t care what her husband says.”
The Republicans may be philosophically fraudulent, but I’ll give them points for political gamesmanship. Who cares about principles when there’s a big chance to score fresh points in the culture war?
Read the whole thing. The examples are whelming, if not overwhelming.