From Pine View Farm

Legacies 0

I have often thought that, were it not for the Iranian hostage-taking, Jimmy Carter’s presidency would be remembered far more kindly than it is. And that event had little to do with him directly.

And, yes, I was working on North Capital Street four blocks from the Capital Building at the time and saw the parade when the hostages came home.

Indeed, I have read numerous articles looking back on that event; the Iranian students who participated in the hostage taking have consistently stated that they might have taken over either the Russian or the American embassy.

CC considers Jimmy Carter from his take across the St. Lawrence River:

Jimmy Carter was vilified for being weak because he chose not to speak in threats, because he asked questions first instead of shooting. For some reason mysterious to me, the insane traitor Ronald Reagan is still held in high regard, venerated as a wise and brave warrior leader while Carter is sneered at by the mugwumps and ambulatory excrement of the right. What is it called when one sells weapons to a sworn national enemy? Oh, that’s right… treason. And yet the legacy of Reagan somehow persists despite Iran/Contra and his ugly war crimes in Central America. Reagan was an addled and unprincipled mass murderer while Carter is a thoroughly decent man of peace.

In an act more courageous than anything conceived in the poisonous heart of a Reagan or a Bush, Carter has actually chosen to live by his principles and by his faith. He isn’t a church whore , bending his knee for appearances, power and votes. He remains a man of conscience and commitment. Last week, while Washington’s “Christians” were shedding crocodile tears over their latest round of infidelities, lies and graft and angling for the ways and means to continue their wretched grasping for power, Mr Carter left them in his wake. Jimmy Carter, a true American hero, walked away from the corruption of the message in the book he lives by. Jimmy Carter left the Southern Baptist Convention and in a stirring essay in Australia’s The Age took a stand for the rights and future of women in the face of persecution and dehumanization as wrought by the world’s major religions.

As I said earlier in these electrons, I didn’t leave the Southern Baptist Convention. It left me.


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