November, 2009 archive
Return of Beyond the Palin, Have Cake, Eat It Too Dept. 1
In today’s Inky, Susan Estrich portrayed Sarah Palin as a victim of sexist libruls pointing and giggling at the picture of Palin on the cover of Newsweek (the link is to Yahoo, because I could not find the column on the Inky website).
The libruls I know found the cover in quite poor taste, as I remarked here.
But there’s another way to look at it. She loves to play the MILF card when it’s to her advantage, then play the “you’re sexist” card when it benefits her. Jessica Valenti writes at the Guardian:
It’s as it may be. But all the charges of sexism in the world don’t answer this question:
Is Palin aware that every other word that comes out of her mouth a lie, or is she merely delusional?
Inquiring minds want to know.
This Might Even Get Me To Root for Ohio State 0
And, as a long time SEC fan, I generally loathe everything Big Ten on principle.
The persons who certified the bad paper are just as culpable as the ones who printed it.
Via Balloon Juice.
Seen on the Street 0

GI Statue, Philadelphia, Pa., Korean War Memorial, Foglietta Plaza. A citizen has added the rose, no doubt taken from one of the hundreds of rose bushes in the Penns Landing and Society Hill areas.

Sun setting behind Society Hill Towers.
26 Per Cent 0
Will Bunch crunches the numbers.
Oleaginous 0
This sounds so much like an urban legend I’m having trouble believing it.
But I’m glad I don’t use cosmetics.
The gang allegedly targeted people on remote roads, luring them with fake job offers before killing them and extracting their fat.
The liquidised product fetched $15,000 (£9,000) a litre and police suspect it was sold on to companies in Europe.
Questionable Advertising 0
I just saw the English version of this ad. It posited that Italian restaurants serve pizza.
Three Four things.
- I’ve been to lots of Italian restaurants, like this one. Pizza was an afterthought. Pizza is a big deal at pizza joints, not at restaurants.
- “Dr. Oetker” is German. What do Germans know about pizza?
- The best pizza joints are run by Greeks.
- Modern pizza has little to do with traditional Sicilian pizza. I’ve had both, including Sicilian pie made by a real Sicilian. I know.
No sale.
Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0
Still over half a mil:
The loss of 7.3 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007, the biggest drop of any postwar economic slump, makes an acceleration in firings less likely as consumers begin to spend. A rebound in hiring may take longer to develop as companies have ample room to boost hours for current employees before taking on additional staff.</blockquote>
“. . . Noone Was There” 0
Joshua Bell and Frankie Mureno.
Joshua Bell – Eleanor Rigby (featuring Frankie Moreno) (Official Music Video) – Funny videos are here
Fear –> Dumb 0
You can’t make this stuff up:
But the amendment included the following clause, which was reportedly designed to ban civil unions and domestic partnerships: “This state or a political subdivision of this state may not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage.”
One thing that is “identical…to marriage,” of course, is marriage.
Via Unqualified Offerings, which recasts this as a jobs bill:
Limits 2
I remember when I was a young ‘un, pundits would talk about the limitless potential of the oceans to provide food.
Not so then, not so now.
From the BBC:
A study reveals that an error in the classification of the species has meant researchers have failed to see just how close to the brink it is.
Buzzword Bailout 0
Thoreau at Unqualified Offerings applies Wall Street strategy to lexicography:
The Misunderstanding of Carrie Prejean 0
She was alone.
They were abstinence tapes, folks. Abstinence tapes.
(Concept shamelessly stolen from Michael Feldman.)
The Booman Takes on the Bedwetters 0
Read the whole thing.
Something You Can Bank On 0
Thomas Noyes writes at the Guardian (emphasis added):
A year ago, Alan Greenspan, the high priest of laissez-faire capitalism, admitted that he was “absolutely, precisely” wrong in thinking that self-interest would protect the financial system from self-inflicted collapse. Yet, the belief that unfettered finance would bring blessings to shareholders and customers alike dies hard.
Instead of wondering which institutions might be too big to fail, it’s time to consider whether the financial behemoths are too big to succeed.
Buy the Book 0
It’s got to better than the Newsweek article. I read The Nation. Agree or disagree with its writers, you must concede that they can string sentences together using a subject and a predicate (click the image for the link):

Ten bucks for the ebook.