2009 archive
The Right Hand Selleth, the Left Hand Selleth Short 0
Your Tax Dollars at Work 0
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s worth springing for the January/February Playboy to read the full story.
Dennis Montgomery, 56, the co-owner of a software gaming company in Nevada, who has since been arrested for bouncing $1m worth of cheques, claims his program read messages hidden in barcodes listing international flights to the US, their positions and airports to be targeted.
Next time you see some spy story depicting the CIA as technologically sophisticated, do yourself a favor. Turn off the TV and go read something believable, like the story of Rapunzel.
Santa Delivers 0
An Android.
Beverly Beckham in the Boston Globe:
My mother continued all of her life to sign her Christmas gifts to me, “Love, Santa.’’ She believed in enchantment and strove to keep it. It’s what we all do every Christmas: We invent a better world.
Making a List and Checking It Twice 0
Beard? Check.
Sack? Check.
Gun? Check.
You Scream, We All Scream 0
The assailant was scooped up by the law.
A woman was severely beaten during an argument over spilled ice cream late Tuesday night.
Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0
No last minute Christmas shopping for these folks, but the overall total sinking from previous weeks:
In other news, orders for durable goods up.
Californicated 1
Given that years of Republican misrule have rendered California unable to provide basic services, it must be tempting just to send them to the IMF, which specializes in ungovernable third-world countries.
Molly Ivins, from the Quotemaster:
Whatever you do, don’t give up. Because all you can do once you’ve given up is bitch. I’ve known some great bitchers in my time. With some it’s a passion, with others an art.
Shopping List 0
We always gave cookies:
The slinky nightwear was a bit too much for her tastes, she said, and she never wore it.
There’s more.
God Answers Prayers 0
Sometimes, the answer is, “No.”
Your Tax Dollars at Work 0
Fiscal Republicanity (hey! that rhymes with Hannity!):
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Snow Run-Out (Updated) 3
Snow breaks Delaware’s snow-removal budget:
$3.2 mil per eight inches. And Delaware is a small state.
My brother sent me a picture showing almost twice eight inches in his yard.
Here’s the picture I sent him in return, taken from the door to the deck. The temperature was about 31 Fahrenheits at the time.
I haven’t heard from him since.
The Phony “War on Christmas” 0
A historical perspective. Read the whole thing.:
There’s just one problem with this bleak winter’s tale: It’s not true. Despite what you might hear about our contemporary “War on Christmas,” holiday celebrations have sparked dissent in American public schools for more than a century. By pretending otherwise, we miss an opportunity to teach our children something important about America.
I was in a store yesterday. A check-out clerk routinely said “Merry Christmas” to the customer ahead of me; she, in return said to the clerk, “Thank you for saying, ‘Merry Christmas.'”
I thought, “Fox News viewer,” then silently told me to STFU.