An Armed Society Is a Polite Society 3
Yahoos with guns make us all safer.
Virginia Beach
Second Thursday of the Month
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There’s only one person who agrees with me on everything, and, as I’m not running for office, that person is not on the ballot.
Yahoos with guns make us all safer.
February 27, 2010 at 3:57 pm
No, the lesson to be learned here is that protection orders only piss people off. He violated it, she had him arrested & now they are both dead. See how well it works?
The gun didn’t help matters at all. But it was a long gun & all you have to do is pass the basic background check that doesn’t include mental stability because that’s too invasive, getting into a person’s privacy. So if you aren’t a convicted felon, you can legally buy a shotgun or a rifle. Different story if a person is going to carry a pistol, like a frootloop I know. And if you don’t care about laws, go to a local corner in certain parts of any town. You can get most anything, except maybe a Howitzer. I’m sure those have to be special ordered.
February 27, 2010 at 7:31 pm
So he was a multi-tasking yahoo.
I got nothing against guns. Got several. Know how to use them.
But seems to me the cohort most wild-eyed about the 2nd amendment seems to be heavily-populated with persons I would trust least with weaponry.
February 28, 2010 at 11:41 am
When I was threatened by a couple of gang bangers coming out of a Game Stop, not 1/8th of a mile from the Lakewood PD building, it was brought up to me that I should carry a pistol. I’ll admit it, I was rude. I laughed in the faces of the morons telling me this. The fact that I’m vertically challenged & not trained in any fighting techniques didn’t change my mind.
I know how to use a shotgun. Even a pump, that I don’t like. I like the over & under. For skeet shooting. I could point & shoot a pistol but I have no desire to. If a person likes guns, KNOWS HOW & WHEN TO USE THEM, & is stable mentally, I don’t see a problem. But I really believe the SCOTUS & the 2nd amendment decision went too far. Too many nutballs now have access that shouldn’t.