From Pine View Farm

March, 2010 archive

What Goes Up Must Come Down 0

A pome, not by Henry Gibson.

    Someone shot a bullet into the air.
    It came to Earth in Cantor’s lair.
    So Eric said, “Vandalized!”
    Said the cops, “Not in our eyes.

    “The shot was fired vertically.
    It descended spinningly.
    Falling, falling, it struck Eric’s glass.”
    Thus Eric fibs, for he’s an ass.

Inspiration here. Commentary here.


Old Tea in New Bags 0


But lately, it’s begun to appear that the Tea Partiers — at least as defined by the media — aren’t so much a new force of previously apolitical regular folks, stirred from their apathy by an expansion of government and Rick Santelli’s famous rant. Rather, they’re essentially conservative Republican base voters, who were demoralized by the failures of the Bush years and have been re-energized by Democratic control of Washington. And they’re part of a strain of the conservative movement that has long been driven by cultural resentment and racial paranoia.

Follow the link for the analysis.


Blame the Victim 0

National Republican Campaign Committee spokesman says that Tom Perriello is responsible for Mr. Perrielo’s brother’s propane line being cut, apparently in retaliation for Mr. Perriello’s vote for the health care bill.

Blue Virginia quotes the Roanoke, Va., Times, then comments.

    While his organization doesn’t condone such behavior, National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Andy Sere said Perriello is not the victim.

    “Central and Southside Virginians are the ones who are going to have the bear the burden of increased taxes,” he said. “What you’re seeing is a frustration among his constituents who believe he’s not listening to them.”

That’s right, according to the NRCC spokesman, threats of violence (and worse) against his family are actually Tom Perriello’s fault because he had the audacity to vote for health care reform. In other words, the NRCC spokesman is arguing, in America if you disagree with a policy of your government or a vote by your duly elected representative, the recourse is not the “ballot box” but the metaphorical “bullet box.”

Follow the link for the entire post.


Nowhere To Go, Nothing To Do 0

Still slightly under half a mil:

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits fell 14,000 to a seasonally adjusted 442,000, the Labor Department said. The report included annual revisions to the weekly unemployment claims seasonal factors going back to 2005.

Using the old seasonal factors, claims would have dropped only to 453,000. The prior week’s claims figures were revised to show a 5,000 rise instead of a drop. Analysts, who had expected claims to slip to 450,000, said the data was a step in the right direction.



The Booman:

But I don’t want them (Democrats–ed.) to act like the Republicans. I don’t want the Democrats to shut down the government, lie incessantly, poison the minds of their base against the government, call for special prosecutors every two seconds, or incite violence and intimidation against opposing lawmakers.

The GOP is not a healthy party, and we are not a healthy country.



Octogone from Public View 0

Nadya Suleman (the “Octomom”) has fallen on difficult times. She refused an offer to make a porn film, so have a little PETA pity for her.

PETA is paying her five grand and a year’s supply of veggie burgers and dogs to put a sign in her yard encouraging persons to spay or neuter their pets.

Pardon me. I must go explode my head.


Glenn Beck Bingo 0

Get your card here.

Via Eschaton.


Stray Thought 0

Democracy is what Republicans agree with. If they don’t agree with it, it is by definition not democracy.

Just ask them.


The NeverEnding Story 0

Even the NeverEnding Story came to an end. In fact, it was about an hour and a half long, as contrasted to half a century.

Senate Republicans succeeded early Thursday in forcing a change in a measure altering President Barack Obama’s newly enacted health care overhaul, meaning the bill will have to return to the House for final congressional approval.


Jim Manley, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, said Republicans consulting with the Senate parliamentarian had found “two minor provisions” that violate Congress’ budget rules. The provisions deal with Pell grants for low-income students.

This story will come to an end also. Then, as with the other NeverEnding Story, there will be sequels. That’s part of why the Republicans fought so hard. They know that, as with social security and medicare, trying to make it go away (remember privatizing social security) is a no win.

The House Democrats will not back down now, not even if, as Shaun Mullen suggests, Joe the Plumber (what ever happened to him, anyhow?) gets the call.


Taking Credit Where Credit Is Don’t 0

Republican Grassley.


Coda 0

Via Balloon Juice.


Eagles and Farewells 1

I saw what I think was a bald eagle today, deep in suburban North Wilmington, Delaware.

I was out jawboning with one of my neighbors (soon to be an ex-neighbor when I finish packing stuff up and throwing stuff out–no more back-and-forth) in the way of making a farewell, and this bird flew–well, really, it just sort of drifted–overhead at low altitude, maybe 50 feet.

I won’t miss Delaware all that much, though it is a very nice place to live and is actually quite well run. Delaware has a fortunately low wingnut quotient and is small enough that no one can get away with anything especially sleazy for very long. Heck, I used to run into my governor at PTA meetings because his son went to the same school as my son. He came without any kind of entourage or body guard. That’s small.

My kids are scattered and all my exes live in Texas (yes, they do).

My friends meet Tuesdays for Drinking Liberally in Philly, but they are all also on line, as is much of my life. I will miss Tuesdays more than they realize.

I will miss my neighbors. They have been good neighbors for a quarter century.

But returning to Virginia is returning to family roots that reach almost 400 years. It’s home in a way that many persons in our mobile society cannot understand. Not to mention my friend who I re-met after 40 years.

You can take the Virginian out of Virginia, but you can’t take Virginia out of a Virginian.

But if my friend were elsewhere, I’d be heading there.

Back to the boid:

I wish I’d had my camera or even my camera phone on me, but I didn’t. The bird looked just like this:

Bald Eagle

I said to the neighbor, “I think that’s an eagle.” She said, “Nooooo.” I said, “Look at the white head and tail.”

And we just watched it sail down the street.

“It’s beautiful,” she said.


Track the Crazies 2

TPM has a map.

From the bullet items under the map:

Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-OH) (who has received death threats–ed.), who is on the map above, today said he confronted Minority Leader John Boehner over an interview in which Boehner said Driehaus would be a “dead man” if he voted for the bill. “I think it’s really important for folks around here, especially leader Boehner, to understand that his words have consequences,” Driehaus said.

That they are crazy does not mean they are no less dangerous. I will not be surprised if someone kills in the name of Republicanism.

If that happens, watch them back off watch the party disclaim responsibility.


Glomarization has more.


Now it’s faxes of nooses.

Even Later:

More death threats.


These people are nuts.


Hypocrisy Watch 0

Russell King itemizes the bill at TPM.

It’s quite astounding to see it all in one list.

Via DelawareLiberal.


Fair and Bolloxed 0

Warning: Language as bad you might hear on the school bus.

Via BartBlog and I sort of stole the title from them too.


Even I Found This over the Top 0

Not necessarily inaccurate, just over the top. A nugget:

The most striking elements of so-called health care in America these days is how cruel and unjust it is, and in taking a stand against reforming it the Republican party appeared to be firmly in support of cruelty and injustice. This would be well within the historical tradition of other religious crusades which turned political — such as the Spanish Inquisition and the seventeenth century war against witchcraft.

Via Balloon Juice.


Wilding 0

From the Newport News Daily Press politics blog:

Details are just starting to trickle out about the FBI investigating a cut gas line at U.S. Rep. Tom Perriello’s brother’s house in the Lynchburg area, after tea party activists posted his address following Perriello’s “yes” vote on health care reform.

Words fail me.


Direct Action . . . 0

. . . while appearing gratifying, is not often indicated:

Four German pensioners have been found guilty of kidnapping the financial adviser they blamed for US property investments that went awry.

The court found that the four, aged 61 to 80, abducted James Amburn and tried to force him to refund 2.5m euros (£2.25m; $3.4m) in lost investments.


Fox. Henhouse. 0

Marshall McCluhan would chuckle: the media becomes the message.

Via Atrios.


Personal Politics 0

A while ago, I posted that all politics is economics.

And it is. To quote Deep Throat (the Watergate one, not the other one), “Follow the money.”

TeacherKen points out that, in addition, all politics is personal.

Read it.
