From Pine View Farm

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 1

The road rage guy I talked about here has apparently killed himself rather than go back to the slammer. He didn’t like the slammer.

Mithras has some rational thoughts.

In other non-firearms-related road rage news from Bizarro World . . . .

I’ve felt road rage a couple of times. I deal with it by making fun–sometimes profane fun–of the other driver. Quietly. Behind closed windows. Without gestures.


1 comment

  1. Karen

    April 23, 2010 at 11:48 am

    If only I could convince my children that loud voices directed at other drivers isn’t necessary, I would feel like a successful parent. Same goes for the 1 finger salutation or wave.

    I’m guilty of calling someone a jerk, but it isn’t voiced & there aren’t any hand gestures.