From Pine View Farm

Driving While Brown 0

Tony Norman, writing at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, discusses Arizona’s xenophobia. A nugget:

Right-wingers complain about creeping fascism all the time, yet there has been no bigger example of a drift toward tyranny and the police state than this stupid, race-coded legislation. We should all be outraged.

By the way, injustice rarely stops at well-defined borders of race or class once it gets rolling. One day, someone is going to ask us all for our respective papers. Consider this a down payment.

Clarence Page draws on his experiences to anticipate life in Arizona:

I had a taste of what that was like in the 1970s as a black American reporter during South Africa’s apartheid regime. The white-minority government’s “influx control” policy required all black South Africans to carry a photo-ID “passbook” in urban areas to prevent a deluge of black Africans from flooding in to areas where the jobs were. Sound familiar?

My American passport came in handy on a Johannesburg street when an Afrikaner police officer said “Wys my jou paspoort.” (Show me your passport.) I was strolling-while-black. He didn’t need any more reasonable suspicion than that.

My views haven’t changed.

This is an evil law that reveals the worst aspects of the American character: bigotry, prejudice, xenophobia, hatred, and racism, just to mention a few.

This is a must watch:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Law & Border
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

John Stewart via TPM.


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From Pine View Farm
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