From Pine View Farm

It’s a Slippery Slope . . . . 2

The scoop:

According to a lawsuit filed in federal court, Holloway slipped on a pile of dog feces a year ago at a Newport News PetSmart and badly hurt his back. He also struck his head, knocking out four of his false teeth, the suit says. He’s suing the chain for $1 million.



  1. Karen

    April 1, 2010 at 4:45 pm

    Did you read the comments? They (the majority) have the right of it. He was on notice as soon as he walked in that accidents in the floor are a possibility. Same color as the floor? Huh uh. Needs new glasses? Maybe. He’s looking for a payday at everyone else’s expense. So’s the sleazy PI atty.

  2. Frank

    April 2, 2010 at 9:18 pm

    I see so many persons every day walking this way and looking that way . . . .

    I’ll keep my eye pealed for the disposition of the case.  I suspect it will be ****canned.