From Pine View Farm

Dialectic in the Tea Bag 0

Michael Tomasky remembers a dinner table conversation from before teabaggers were teabaggers. It helps him parse some of the internal contradictions in the intellectual structure of teabaggery. A nugget:

The two problems here are, first, that while they think they owe government nothing, they actually owe government a great deal. If they’re small business people, they depend on the freight rails and the roadways and the utilities and the regulation of interstate commerce and the laws that keep their crooked competitors from undercutting them and the courts’ abilities to enforce those laws. Without question the government is an annoyance in their lives in dozens of ways. But they don’t see any of the good, only the bad. If you tote it up, the government helps them a lot more than it hurts them, and if they think not, let them go open a hardware store in downtown Mogadishu and see how that works out.

The second problem is the one I saw manifest at that dinner that night. Everybody in this country isn’t like you. Yes, you worked hard to get where you are. But the vast majority of people work hard. Some have good luck, some have bad. Some stay healthy, some get sick. Some make only wise decisions, some make an unwise one. Some benefit from free-market oddities and inequities, some lose. And yes, some, because of history or birth circumstances, started the race at a starting line several paces back from the one where you started. Part of citizenship, a crucial part of citizenship, is standing in their shoes for a few moments – as they must stand in yours, and understand your point of view too.


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From Pine View Farm
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