From Pine View Farm

I Get Mail 2

It should be an interesting weekend.

From my car insurance company:

As Hurricane Earl approaches, we trust that you are taking every precaution to ensure you will suffer no injury or damage to your property.

We realize our most important responsibility to our policyholders following a loss is to ensure the claim settlement process is quick and easy. We are busy preparing to do just that; teams of GEICO claim adjusters have deployed along the projected storm path, and they will remain in affected areas until they have resolved every hurricane-related claim.

And so on.



  1. Stacy

    August 31, 2010 at 3:07 pm

    Stay safe, Frank.

  2. Frank

    August 31, 2010 at 3:38 pm


    We’re not on the coastline, so storm surge is not an issue.  If the storm actually hits, falling trees and downed power lines might be.


    When I was growing up on the farm, both Hazel and Donna went right over top of us.


    Power was out for seven days after Donna.  My father had to drive a new well so we could have water in the interim.

    I’d hate to be ordered to evacuate.  There’s pretty much only two main roads west, I-64 and US 58/460.  The traffic jam would be worse than the storm.





From Pine View Farm
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