From Pine View Farm

Complaint of Irregularities with Virginia Beach Voting Machines 0

The Seatack Community Civic League is filing a complaint that voting machines appear to have switched votes.

From the cover letter, a copy of which I received via email:

The Seatack Community Civic League, on behalf of two African-American citizens and voters of our community, do hereby request a full and complete Virginia State Board of Election investigation into the attached voter complaint of voter machine “altering / automatic vote switching, without voter’s knowledge”, by touch-screen voter machine used in City of Virginia Beach, on October 30, 2010 at an Early Voting DVM site, located on First Colonial Road, in the City of Virginia Beach. Victim voter, a 90 some year old elder citizen of our community, as witnessed by her niece and the DMV Voting official. My civic-community investigative affidavit, under penalty of perjury, herewith attached in support of this request for investigation by Virginia State Board of Election.

You can download a copy of the Civic League’s press release here (PDF).


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From Pine View Farm
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