From Pine View Farm

Civility 0

Mike Gruss reported in the local rag that

In May, the group’s leaders sent letters to all sitting governors and members of Congress, a total of 585 people, asking them to sign a simple 32-word pledge:

    “I will be civil in my public discourse and behavior. I will be respectful of others whether or not I agree with them. I will stand against incivility when I see it.”


So he mailed the letters – and waited for responses. How many did he get back?

Three. Three people, including Rep. Frank Wolf of Virginia, signed on. No one else replied, which, coincidentally enough, is kind of uncivil.

I must wonder most uncharitably whether they remembered to include the campaign contributions?


Since Frank Wolf first appeared on the Virginia political scene when I was living in Arlington umpty-ump years ago, I have most decidedly not been a one of his fans, but I must give him and his staff kudos for reading and answering their mail.


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