From Pine View Farm

No Lapdogging 0

Background: Seatack is an older, poorer, predominantly black neighborhood with a growing sense of identity a few blocks inland from the south end of the beachfront.

As has been common in these and other parts, the desires of the citizenry in older, poorer, predominantly minority neighborhoods are frequently ignored. Such neighborhoods are often not so much served as they are imposed on.

I am not a fan of Virginia Beach City Council member Bill DeSteph’s politics. He’s leans too right for me.

I am, however, a fan of his consistent refusal to come when Mayor Sessoms beckons:

The City Council was about to buy a $700,000 property for a new homeless day shelter when a councilman spoke up.

“Have we talked to the community about this?” Councilman Bill DeSteph asked.

An awkward silence followed, and a vote was postponed.

Now, residents of a historically black neighborhood near the Oceanfront targeted for the shelter say they don’t want it. They’re outraged the city didn’t ask their opinion.

Read the whole thing.


In a resort town, “left” and “right” don’t usually mean as much as “in the hip pocket of developers” and “not in the hip pocket of developers.”


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