From Pine View Farm

February, 2011 archive

Cartoon Quip 0

Newscaster introducing guest:

In keeping with our station’s “Fairness Model,” let’s hear from a bigot . . . .

Harley Schwadron in the March Playboy.


Castaways 0



Deficit Hawks Unite 0

Some Guy with a Website
Click for a Larger Image

The artist explains here.


Driving while Brown 0


Seen on the Street 0


The Geography of Political History, Economic Double-Talk Dept. 0

Dennis G. lines up a fascinating collection of maps through time at Balloon Juice to illustrate trends in labor-management relations–efforts by the plutocracy to keep wages low–as moderated by the states through time. He starts with slavery, moves though convict-labor, and reaches the contempororary era.

I commend it to your attention as context for the Republican attack on workers.

Here’s his bit on the double-talk (emphasis added):

This system of boldly stealing the labor of convicts lasted into the 1930s (and versions of it still can be found in almost every State of the Union). It was FDR and the new Democrats of the New Deal who passed a series of laws that made the theft of labor more difficult and help workers to organize and collectively bargain for a fair and living wage. It work. A great middle class in America was created and for almost fifty years prosperity was shared.

The effort to push back against labor rights started almost immediately. By 1947 this movement was able to pass the Taft Hartley Act and open the door to new restrictions to the rights of workers. By the Reagan era in the 1980s, the movement to steal labor was repackaged and resold to the most gullible and cynical among us. Since then it has picked up a lot of steam. Laws to restrict the rights of workers have been given the very Orwellian name, “Right to Work” laws—as in in you have the right to work, but not the right to come together and ask for a fair deal. In a “Right to Work” State, a worker is on his or her own. The State will always fight against you. You are on your own sucker and you just have to deal with it. In a “Right to Unionize State” you have back-up, regardless of whether or not you work in a Union shop.blockquote>


Facebook Frolics, Good News Bad News 0

Bad news:

In a Super Bowl ad for the Chevrolet Cruze, a young man uses voice commands to check Facebook and grins when his OnStar communication system reads his date’s message: “Best first date ever.”

Good news (emphasis added).

It’s heartwarming to some, downright scary to others, who worry that in-car technology is too distracting. But mostly, it’s a work in progress. General Motors Co. is still testing the OnStar Facebook system, and it may never become a standard feature. No other manufacturers are offering a way to check Facebook with voice commands, either.

The article goes on to describe other research automobile manufacturers are doing to ensure that drivers don’t see us before they hit us.


Double-Fast Double-Talk 1

May cause suicidal thoughts.

When you listen to the fine print in those prescription drug ads, you understand why the announcer is talking double-talking double-fast.



Franklin Roosevelt:

Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.


Light Bloggery 0

Break time.



Samuel Johnson:

The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.


Profile in Courage 0

Democratic Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-Sanity) calls out Republican hatin’ on women:

Via TPM.


Divided and Conquered (Updated) 1

Republicans are framing an issue of non-government employees vs. government employees fighting over a shrinking pie. Current events in Wisconsin illustrate this.

If employees’ share of the pie is shrinking, doesn’t it make sense to consider whose share of the pie has been increasing.

Renee Loth considers this in the Boston Globe (emphasis added).

The problem is that wages and benefits for private-sector workers have collapsed. “People are squeezed,’’ said Harris Gruman, executive director of the Service Employees International Union state council. “Working-class people who’ve lost their own benefits are subsidizing workers in the public sector who still have these things. It’s an unsustainable situation politically.’’

The answer, Gruman quickly adds, is not to strip government workers of their health and security — a beggar-thy-neighbor approach that lowers everyone’s standard of living — but to improve the prospects of others. “The resentment is misplaced,’’ he said. “You need to increase private-sector unionization so those workers can start getting decent benefits again.’’

Addendum, Moments Later:

The Booman quotes Georgetown professor Joseph McCartin, who says much the same thing. An excerpt.

But an even more important factor is basically a 20- or 30-year period of failure in the private sector. What we are really looking at here is a private sector that for quite a long time now has not generated a lot of rising income for the great majority. It has not generated stable benefits for its workers, it has not generated increasing retirement security — in fact we’ve had income stagnation or decline, we’ve had rising indebtedness, we’ve had growing insecurity for retirement. The private sector has failed on a massive level. And the tenuous position that so many American workers find themselves in as a result of that now makes it suddenly appear that public sector workers are just living off the fatted calf. I think some of it has to do quite simply with the way in which so many nongovernment workers have been suffering, and legitimately so. You can go to those folks and say: Why are you paying for the pension of the guy down the street? You don’t have one!

Note that the “20- or 30-year period of failure” roughly corresponds to the period since the election of St. Ronnie Reagan and the Republican Party’s worship of voodoo economics.


Words Fail Me 0

You can’t make this stuff up.



Toni Morrison,from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

Nothing like other folks’ sin for distraction.


Stop the Republican Hatin’ on Women 0

Sign the petition.


Sacrifice Theatre 0

John Cole nails it:

The fundamental thing you need to understand when talking to deficit hawks is that when they say something is painful or that cuts will hurt people, you need to recognize that what they really mean is that the cuts will be painful TO SOMEONE ELSE and hurt people THEY DON’T KNOW AND WILL NEVER MEET.


True Colors 0

Republicans: not a party, a marauding gang.

Brendan comments so I don’t have to.


Dustbiters 0

The FDIC munches on some appetizers:



Mummy Dummies 0
