Rapture Rapup 0
I thought I was done with this topic, but the title of this column by Clarence Page was just too good to pass up. So is the rest of the column.
In all the analysis and theorizing and fulminating about the once and future rapture crazes, no one I have read has pointed out the obvious.
I suspect that is because, in this country, once you call your particular brand of foolishness a “religion,” and particularly if you label it “Christian,” it becomes forbidden to say this:
The people who bought this song and dance are nuts. Unconnected to reality. Loony-bin crazy. Whack jobs. Not ready for prime time.
And the persons who orchestrated the song and dance are pathological delusionists or sociopathic frauds and liars or both.
The sincerity of their beliefs is irrelevent.
Sincere foolishness is still foolishness.