From Pine View Farm

A Thank You 0

Yesterday, I sent a little email to the Editor of the Sacramento Bee in response to this article, in which he solicited opinions on how to deal with vile and disgusting anonymous comments on the the paper’s website.

I linked him up to a column by the Editor of my local rag, in which he evaluated the Virginian-Pilot’s experience after it banned anonymous comments on its opinion pages.

Late last night, Eastern Time, the Editor of the Bee emailed me an acknowledgement, which was clearly not canned, since he quoted the contents of my email and referred to it in the text.

Given the amount of email that persons in his position get, I consider that a classy act.

I am impressed.

I wanted to thank him publicly (not that I expect him ever to see this, but a one does what one can).


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From Pine View Farm
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