From Pine View Farm

Irene Good Night 1

The storm seems to be over in these parts.

Minimal damage except for

  • Two fatalities in my state (one poor guy had a heart attack while boarding up his house, and an 11-year old was crushed to death when a falling tree destroyed the family apartment), the
  • Almost a half-million Virginians without power, who now have no choice but to talk with their spouses, significant others, and housemates, and the
  • Flooding in the low-lying areas (exacerbated by the non-existent global warming because sea-levels are two feet higher than they were 80 years ago).

We were fortunate not to experience a power failure, so we got to watch the coverage on the telly vision (which did little to restore my faith in telly vision news*–there was lots of filling time with babble) and talk amongst ourselves, which we seem to be able to do.

It could have been a lot worse.

I’ve experienced real hurricanes. I know.


*I will say that the telly vision news here is saner than the telly vision news in Philly, but that’s sort of like saying that eating grits and red-eye gravy is better than eating straw.


1 comment

  1. cassandra m

    August 30, 2011 at 10:49 am

    Glad to hear you survived the storm and the storm hype!  Hope that you were not one of the guys in this stunt weather video….. 

From Pine View Farm
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