From Pine View Farm

The Republican War on Science 0

Ed Quillen of the Denver Post sends a dispatch from the front:

Instead of promoting traditional economic populism, the contemporary GOP practices cultural populism. In the Republican view, you don’t worry about the billionaire Koch brothers, not when our country confronts a clear and present threat from the out-of-touch elitists who listen to NPR and the condescending snobs who can make subjects and verbs agree. And, of course, those elitist scientists.

He notes that there can be justification for skepticism, listing “Social Darwinism,” eugenics, and several other areas where scientists went wrong.

I would note that the persons who promoted those movements were not physical scientists (such as chemists, physicists, biologists, and climatologists); they fancied themselves “social scientists,” but were actually activists with axes to grind.

In the case of Social Darwinism, the ax was justifying the wealth of the robber barons and the poverty of the working class; for eugenics, it was rationalizing racism.

Click to read the whole thing. Mr. Quillen’s concluding paragraph is a gem.


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From Pine View Farm
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