“Whites Only” Partying Down 0
Chancey de Vega states what is obvious except to those who don’t want look. It is not for nothing that Doug J. started referring to the Republicans as the “Confederate Party.”
This is but a bit of a much longer post (emphasis in the original):
As the pundit classes try to make sense of the debt ceiling-credit downgrade political drama, they are overlooking a central element in the Tea Party GOP’s almost mouth-frothing resistance President Barack Obama since his landslide election in 2008.
While the black blogosphere (and even Twitter) has been bubbling with this issue for some time, the mainstream media has been dancing around a fact which remains hidden in plain sight. Just as they did with their poor coverage of the Birther issue, and out of fear of a Conservative backlash, the mainstream media is loathe to speak truth to power and point out the obvious: racial hostility is one of the primary forces driving the opposition of the Tea Party GOP to President Obama. This has been evident during the debt ceiling debate and on policy matters across the board. To fail to understand this most basic of realities is to fail to understand American politics in the Age of Obama.
Follow the link to see him identify, then connect, the tea three elements of the strategy,