Herman Cain’t 0
Dick Polman muses on the Republican fascination with ignorance as a plank in their platform:
The downside, however, is that Cain is profoundly uninformed about the fundamentals of civic and political life. He may have a silver tongue, but there’s a Grand Canyon between his ears.
I suppose Cain’s supporters consider that an asset. But I consider it disturbing, for instance, that Cain would go on Meet the Press and declare, “I’m not familiar with the neoconservative movement.”
For his information (assuming that knowledge is still important), the neoconservatives have been driving Republican foreign policy since the late 1970s, arguing that America should aggressively export democracy, even at the point of a gun. The hawkish movement was particularly active early in the last decade, when it helped propel us into Iraq, at a current cost approaching $1 trillion. But it’s immaterial to Cain whether he knows the movement or not, because, in his words, “I don’t believe the war in Iraq was a mistake.”
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