From Pine View Farm

It’s Unpossible 0

At Science 2.0, Patrick Lockerby discusses the closed mind:

A closed mind is totally incapable of being shown real world facts. Lead a person with a closed mind step by step through a very logical process; show them a simple experiment in actual progress; show them what every kid learns in science class: what happens? The closed mind, having seen proof that a thing is real, must employ a strange chain of illogic to show that the proof was not merely impossible but unpossible. A thing which has just been shown to be possible can only be shown to be unpossible by a reverse logic in which thoughts themselves are shown to be unpossible. It takes a special thinking process to deconstruct a scientific proof and replace it with diametrically opposed dogma.

He follows with an example of contemporary Christian fundamentalists who claim that plants do not consume carbon dioxide or give off oxygen (and therefore there is not global climate change) because the Bible tells them so.

If you wonder at the wingnut ability to believe stuff that just ain’t true, click to read.

In another real life demonstration of dealing with unpossibility, Andrew Brown responds to a Creationist at the Guardian.


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