From Pine View Farm

Tempest in a Wing Bowl 0

Down in Florida, one of the speakers for a school career day was a Hooters waitress.

Now, I’m not a big fan of Hooters. I “dined” at one once; I was on a week-long business trip marooned in a suburban motel surrounded by malls and mall-type eateries; along about Thursday, Hooters was the only untried choice left and I figured I should see what the fuss was all about.

Lousy menu and no scotch at the bar.

Also, I find the idea of gawking at the waitresses quite repugnant; I find the stolen glimpse much more exciting than the counter display (also, the waitresses at that particular Hooters weren’t particularly gawkable).

Nevertheless, waiting tables is hard work and generally severely underpaid; I make it a practice never to belittle honest work.

Not so one of the mothers of a student at this high school. Daniel Ruth reports:

Dominicci (the mother–ed.), in an Olympian leap of logic, compared Morgan’s (the waitress–ed.) appearance with that of a former porn star who was invited to a California school to read to students. Lady Chatterley’s Lover, perhaps?

Really now, one could hardly equate serving chicken wings to Debbie Does Dallas.

The mother was concerned Morgan’s appearance would send a negative message to the kiddos that “you’re all bad kids, and this is all you’ll be in life.”

Morgan, who aspires to study psychology and graduate from college, did not appear in Hooters garb, opting for sweat pants and a sweater. She also stressed the importance of hard work, looking presentable on the job, learning to order from a menu, the proper way to tip and the various charitable efforts her employer contributes to the community.


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From Pine View Farm
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