From Pine View Farm

Endless War, Endless Guff 0

A few days ago, Chicago Tribune columnist Dennis Byrne invested energy in attempting to justify the Great and Glorious Patriotic War for a Lie in Iraq. Here’s a bit:

We well know about the horrible costs of the war: almost 4,500 American troops and tens of thousands of Iraqis killed and more than $1 trillion spent. But while we’ve heard a lot about the cost side of this equation, we’ve heard not so much about the benefit side. It’s as if there was no benefit.

And a good way to calculate the benefits is to ask: What if President George W. Bush and Congress had decided in 2003 not to attack the tyrannical and murderous regime of Saddam Hussein? With the support of much of the American public.

He proceeds to waste a couple hundred words trying to prove that sending persons to die for a lie is somehow a worthy exercise in the common weal.

I suggest you read it. We are likely to hear more of this sort of revisionist drivel from the “war is always good” crowd over the coming years.

Contrasting a kiss and a war
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From Pine View Farm
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