From Pine View Farm

December, 2011 archive

Fudging the Costs of Endless War 0

No account accountants.


Republican Economic Theory 0

Robyn Blummer wraps it up in once sentence.

In one tidy package, the Republican leadership in Congress has presented their priorities to the American people: Protect millionaires, industrial polluters, greedy doctors and fossil-fuel refiners while sacrificing the interests of federal workers and the long-term unemployed.

Shorter version: Make the rich richer, the poor poorer.

It’s what they do.


A Newt Is a Small Lizard 0

A roundup of commentary about Newt the Gingrinch’s Humpty-Dumpty view of the law (that is, laws mean what he wants them to mean).

Dick Polman:

In the midst of his latest demagogic harangue about the federal judiciary – as president, he vows to crack down on judges whose rulings displease him – Newt again insisted that any errant judge should be subpoenaed and hauled in front of Congress to explain himself.


Ah yes, this is the real Newt – the reckless Newt in touch with his inner thug – that veteran Newt-watchers saw so often during his brief mid-’90s heyday. The real Newt’s hatred of so-called “activist” judges (i.e., judges whose rulings he doesn’t like) is so unhinged that two recent attorney generals, Michael Mukasey and Alberto Gonzales, have stood up to voice their revulsion.

Mike Littwin:

As you’ve probably heard, Gingrich has said he wants to impeach judges who issue “radical” rulings — meaning, I guess, rulings with which Gingrich disagrees. He said on “Face the Nation” Sunday that if these radical judges wouldn’t go to Congress to explain their radical rulings, he would (radically?) have them arrested by U.S. marshals. I’m serious.

In tossing away about 200 years of American jurisprudence — and, by the way, for a historian/not-lobbyist, Newt made a complete hash of Jefferson’s attack on court appointments, which had nothing whatever to do with court rulings — he said he might abolish certain courts while ignoring others. He called for a best-of-three constitutional test, which, let us say, you can’t actually find in the Constitution.


Under the Gingrich Rule, consider that Obama and Congress could ignore the Supreme Court if it overturns Obamacare. In the ’50s, the president and Congress could have ignored Brown vs. the Board of Education. The whole idea is crazier even than anything Ron Paul has ever said.

Jay Bookman:

Consider, for example, Gingrich’s underhanded, deceptive attempt to draft Alexander Hamilton as an supporter of his anti-judicial crusade. Using selected quotes from the Federalist Papers, Hamilton is depicted by Gingrich as a supporter of efforts to use the legislative and executive branches to rein in a tyrannical, overbearing judiciary.

That is a 180-degree reversal of Hamilton’s actual position. He saw the courts as vulnerable guarantors of freedom whose independence must be preserved at all costs against the likes of Gingrich.

In Federalist Papers #78, for example, Hamilton writes that the judiciary “is beyond comparison the weakest of the three departments of power; that it can never attack with success either of the other two; and that all possible care is requisite to enable it to defend itself against their attacks.”


Mitt the Flippant 0


The Republican War on Women 1

Hadley Freeman predicts the next campaign:

The Republicans ban women from having sex (except with them)

In 2011 America’s right wing, and especially the Christian right wing, at last let slip what their problem is with contraception and abortion: it’s not squeamishness, morality or a fondness for hanging outside Planned Parenthood clinics toting misspelt placards – they just don’t like women having sex. At all. . . . This was borne out in their frankly unhinged attacks on Planned Parenthood, the HPV vaccine, insurance coverage of contraception and, as I discussed last week, the puritanical mood they created that encouraged President Obama to restrict access to Plan B, or the morning-after pill, none of which have much to do with abortion and everything to do with women’s temerity to have sex.

Thus, in 2012 the Republicans propose the female anti-sex bill, in which women are expressly forbidden from having sex with anyone other than the occasional lecherous politician who happens to hurl himself, bodily, sweatily, in her lucky, lucky path.

Follow the link for the rest of her predictions.


Twits on Twitter 0

Tiffany twits.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

Still slight improvements.

The number of applications for unemployment benefits unexpectedly dropped last week to the lowest since April 2008, a sign that the labor market is strengthening heading into 2012. Jobless claims fell by 4,000 to 364,000 in the week ended Dec. 17. The median forecast of 45 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News projected an increase to 380,000.

We’ll see what happens when retailers lay off their Christmas help.

Also again too once more, they still need a new set of experts.

Oh! that reminds me–the classic definition of an expert:

    X = Unknown quantity.

    Spurt = Drip under pressure.

    Expert = Unknown drip under pressure.



George Carlin, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

Electricity is really just organized lightning.


Facebook Frolics 0

You can’t make this stuff up.

Amanda Crelia was charged with grand larceny for allegedly swiping the figure, which was part of a nativity scene at the Central Park shopping center in Fredericksburg. Aided by Crelia, detectives recovered Baby Jesus from the home of her father.


Cops say she posted a photo of the stolen statue to her Facebook page (which was spotted by a witness who contacted police).


The Entitlement Society 0

Thom Hartmann compares the bonus babies with the homeless babies.


Twits on Twitter 0

Galluping twits:

A new study released today by OhMyGov Research – the media analytics arm of OhMyGov Inc. – showed a strong association between a politician’s popularity on social media and political polling numbers.

A copy of the report is available at the link.


A. P. Ticker Remembers Dear Leader 0

Warning: Some language.


Droning On 1

The government has found more brown people to point drones at, now on this side of the big pond.

The plan to operate crewed, high-tech aircraft with “over the horizon” technology came to light as the Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security announced the end of the 18-month-old deployment of 1,200 National Guard ground troops who have been helping the U.S. Border Patrol spot illegal border crossers.

The winding down of the ground operation over the next two months stems from growing concerns over the cost and effectiveness of the $10 million-a-month National Guard effort that has provided reassurance along the border and political cover for politicians in Washington but has had limited impact on arrests and drug seizures.

It won’t be long before drones are pointed at everyone everywhere, sort of like Google Earth in real time. With bombs.

Meanwhile, in the Guardian, Gary Younge quotes a statement that sums up the anti-immigration movement: it’s about hatin’ on The Other:

While travelling along the US-Mexican border, from Brownsville to San Diego, I met a man in New Mexico who went by the name of Quasimodo who claimed he “could tell an ‘illegal’ by looking at them”. I found this doubtful, and so asked Quasimodo, one of the Minutemen, an anti-immigrant vigilante group how. “It’s like wild dog versus tame dog. They just don’t have the same kind of look.”

Follow the link for the rest of Mr. Younge’s column.


Comment Rescue 0

It’s my comment and I like it. It’s my blog. I’m allowed.

Libertarianism is an elegant and simple theory which explains political behavior in much the same way as phlogiston explains combustion.



Charlie Chaplin, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

I remain just one thing, and one thing only, and that is a clown. It places me on a far higher plane than any politician.


A Picture Is Worth . . . 0

Check out this proposed Pennsylvania congressional district.


Nowhere Men 0

Mitt:  No There There; Newt:  Too Much There There

Via Kiko’s House.


Breaking: Civilized Society Is Unconstitutional 3

Via Balloon Juice.


Candidate Gift Ideas 0

See the suggestions here.


Denver Dancing 0

Nothing fun ever happened to me at the Denver Airport.

Karen H/T Karen for the link.

From Pine View Farm
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